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石家庄博安不锈钢设备有限公司始创于上世纪九十年代初,位于石家庄国家高新技术产业开发区,注册资本948万元,占地23亩,员工200余人,是国家高新技术企业。博安公司是肉类加工机械的专业生产企业,拥有一支技术力量雄厚、实践经验丰富的研发队伍及精良的机加工设备。在国内早研制出定量灌装机、铝丝双卡打卡机,获国家专利。该产品在肉制品行业中广泛应用并受到了客户的一致好评。凭借用户的支持和厚爱,多年来博安公司致力于专业化生产,不断前进,现已形成灌装机、打卡机、盐水注射机、绞肉机等为主导的系列产品。大力度的研发投入,奠定了博安公司在行业中的地位。博安公司秉承“科技创新,诚信为人”的经营理念,为客户提供优质的肉制品加工设备和及时周到的售后服务,与国内外500多家肉制品企业建立了稳固友好的合作关系。博安商标被中国肉类工业协会评为中国肉类机械影响力品牌。博安不锈钢设备有限公司对广大用户的厚爱与支持表示由衷的感谢,博安人将一如既往,不断努力,与各界同仁共同发展,共铸辉煌! Introduction : China Shijiazhuang Boan stainless steel equipment limited company. Richly and firstly found in1993.It locates in hi-tech industry development zone in Shijiazhuang and takes up an area of 15333 square meters. The registered capital is 9.48millon Yuan. It has 200 staffs. It is the high-tech company. Boan company is that the specialized meat machinery processing enterprise. It owns a tremendous and experience researcher team and some advanced processing equipment. It’s the one of earliest companies which research and produce the qualified filling machine, aluminum double-clipping sealing machine. Boan has obtained the national patent for these products which are well known and widely used in meat making industry. The Boan Company makes the efforts on specialization production relying on consumer\'s support and great kindness. We will go ahead as quickly as we can, now we have developed many kinds of machines .Such as, filler, sealing and clipping machine, saline injector, meat mincer machine and so on .Large input in researching work has established leading ition in this industry. The Boan company holds on the idea of “new science and technology make new products and as a person should keep one\'s words”. We provide customers with the high quality equipment and timely after-sale service. So we has built firmly and friendly cooperation relationship with more than 500 meat processing enterprises at home and abroad. The brand of Boan is judged as the most affluence brand in Chinese Meat Machinery Industry .Boan stainless steel equipment Ltd Company indicates sincerely thanks for the great kindness and supporting from our customers. Boan will make a large progress in future and be more splendid together with the meat processing makers. 主要产品:真空定量灌装机系列 机械电动双卡打卡机系列 气动灌装机系列 气动双卡打卡机系列手动打卡机系列 夹心定量灌装机系列铝丝、卡扣系列 盐水注射机系列绞肉机系列 Main Product: Vacuum quantified filler series Mechanical double sealing and chipping machine Pneumatic filler series Pneumatic double sealing and chipping machine Manual sealing and chipping series Sandwich filler series Aluminum and chips series Saline injector series Meat mincer series 销售(sale):0086-311-85370833 传真(fax):0086-311-85380830 售后(after-sale):0086-311-85370831 邮编(t code):050035 网址(web address) 邮箱(e-mail) 地址:中国石家庄高新技术开发区海河道21号
企业名称: 石家庄博安不锈钢设备有限公司 企业类型: 企业单位 ()
所 在 地: 河北/石家庄 企业规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2000
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
所属范围: 气动灌装机,叶片式灌装机,齿轮式灌装机,夹心灌装机,快速扭结机,绞肉机,盐水注射机,气动打卡机,电动打卡机,肉食加工机械,肉食加工设备